Developing Related Occupations for the O*NET Program


April 2022

Related Occupations

Jeffrey A. Dahlke, Dan J. Putka, Ori Shewach HumRRO

Phil Lewis National Center for O*NET Development


This paper describes the development and evaluation of a new process for identifying related occupations for the 923 data-level occupations included within the O*NET-SOC 2019 taxonomy. The final occupational relatedness composite reflects the following components: (a) task- and detailed work activity (DWA)-based similarity, (b) knowledge importance similarity, and (c) alternate title similarity. This approach includes three important contributors to occupational similarity: what people in the occupations do, what they know, and what they are called.

The paper details each major phase of the project work. It concludes with a description of the final products and plans for their future updating.
