Machine-Discoverable Data

In the spirit of open data, we provide a variety of machine-readable and machine-discoverable information about the O*NET Database and our websites, through web APIs and embedded Linked Data.

Embedded JSON-LD

JSON-LD external site is an open format used by many websites to publish machine-readable Linked Data and metadata. As described below, we employ JSON-LD to make the O*NET Database more visible and useful to researchers and developers.

Competency Frameworks

The O*NET Content Model includes worker- and job-oriented hierarchical taxonomies that can effectively serve as frameworks for organizing workforce competencies, credentials, and other work-relevant information. These frameworks are available in Excel format and also as machine-readable CTDL JSON-LD files, described using the Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) Achievement Standards Network (ASN) schema external site developed by Credential Engine external site.

Occupation Taxonomies

Current and past O*NET-SOC occupation taxonomies are available in Excel format and also as machine-readable CTDL JSON-LD files, described using the Credential Transparency Description Language (CTDL) schema external site developed by Credential Engine external site.

Google Dataset Search external site is a tool for researchers, scientists, or developers to find and utilize datasets published across the internet. The information displayed in Dataset Search comes from metadata embedded into web pages and is aggregated by Google. The data is also available to other providers who wish to publish information on datasets. We publish information about our O*NET Database using this open format. View dataset results for the O*NET Database. external site

Rich search results

Rich search results are used by Google and other search engines to display additional info beyond links, such as icons or search boxes for a specific site. The O*NET Resource Center home page includes metadata about the site, including how to access our own site search, and about the National Center for O*NET Development. Search engine developers can take advantage of this data to provide a better experience. View the data embedded in our home page. external site

O*NET Web Services

O*NET Web Services is an API developers can use to display O*NET information in their applications, and take advantage of tools such as the occupation keyword search featured in My Next Move and O*NET OnLine. The full content of the downloadable O*NET Database is also available through the API. Since it implements RESTful external site principles, people and machines alike can discover and explore the API by experimenting and following links. Learn more about O*NET Web Services.

  • Key features: keyword search; Interest Profiler; career reports; military transition search; full database
  • Data formats: JSON; XML