Green Task Statements

Purpose:Provide a mapping of O*NET-SOC codes (occupations) to green tasks ratings.
Structure and Description:
ColumnTypeColumn Content
O*NET-SOC CodeCharacter(10)O*NET-SOC Code (see Occupation Data)
Task IDInteger(8)Identifies each task (see Task Statements)
TaskCharacter Varying(1000)Task statement associated with an occupation
Green Task TypeCharacter Varying(40)Green Task Type

This file contains the green tasks associated with O*NET-SOC occupations.

The file is displayed in six tab delimited fields with the columns named O*NET-SOC Code, Task ID, Task, Green Task Type, Date, and Domain Source. The six fields are represented by one row. There are a total of 1,386 rows of data in this file.

For more information, see:

File Structure Changes:
Release NumberDescription of Change
16.0Added as a new file
17.0 - 24.1No structure changes

Data Example - Green Task Statements:
O*NET-SOC CodeTask IDTaskGreen Task TypeDateDomain Source
11-9199.0119529Develop relationships with state or federal environmental regulatory agencies to learn about and analyze the potential impacts of proposed environmental policy regulations.New Green Task08/2019Occupational Expert
11-9199.0119531Monitor regulatory affairs activities to ensure their alignment with corporate sustainability or green initiatives.New Green Task08/2019Occupational Expert
11-9199.0119532Monitor regulatory affairs trends related to environmental issues.New Green Task08/2019Occupational Expert
11-9199.0119530Evaluate regulatory affairs aspects that are specifically green, such as the use of toxic substances in packaging, carbon footprinting issues, or green policy implementation.New Green Task08/2019Occupational Expert
11-9199.0219533Advise technical professionals on the development or use of environmental compliance or reporting tools.New Green Task08/2019Incumbent
11-9199.0219535Develop or implement environmental compliance plans for programs, such as air quality, storm water, wastewater treatment, hazardous waste management, pollution prevention, or solid waste management.New Green Task08/2019Incumbent
11-9199.0219534Conduct environmental audits to ensure adherence to environmental standards.New Green Task08/2019Incumbent