Tasks to DWAs

Purpose:Provide a mapping of task statements to Detailed Work Activities.
Download: Tasks to DWAs.xlsx
Structure and Description:
ColumnTypeColumn Content
O*NET-SOC CodeCharacter(10)O*NET-SOC Code (see Occupation Data)
TitleCharacter Varying(150)O*NET-SOC Title (see Occupation Data)
Task IDInteger(8)Identifies each task (see Task Statements)
TaskCharacter Varying(1000)Task statement associated with an occupation (see Task Statements)
DWA IDCharacter Varying(20)Identifies each Detailed Work Activity (see DWA Reference)
DWA TitleCharacter Varying(150)Detailed Work Activity statement (see DWA Reference)

This file maps each Detailed Work Activity (DWA) to the task statements, and consequently to the O*NET-SOC occupations, requiring that activity. Each DWA is mapped to multiple task statements, and each referenced task statement is mapped to one or more DWAs.

The file is displayed in 8 tab delimited fields with the columns named O*NET-SOC Code, Title, Task ID, Task, DWA ID, DWA Title, Date, and Domain Source. The 8 fields are represented by one row. There are a total of 22,936 rows of data in this file.

For more information, see:

File Structure Changes:
Release NumberDescription of Change
18.1Added as a new file
19.0 - 23.1No structure changes

Data Example - Tasks to DWAs:
O*NET-SOC CodeTitleTask IDTaskDWA IDDWA TitleDateDomain Source
41-2011.00Cashiers18765Assist customers by providing information and resolving their complaints.4.A.4.a.1.I01.D05Explain technical product or service information to customers.03/2014Analyst
41-2011.00Cashiers18765Assist customers by providing information and resolving their complaints.4.A.4.a.8.I03.D03Answer customer questions about goods or services.03/2014Analyst
41-2011.00Cashiers18766Maintain clean and orderly checkout areas and complete other general cleaning duties, such as mopping floors and emptying trash cans.4.A.3.a.1.I03.D05Clean work areas.03/2014Analyst
41-2011.00Cashiers18768Supervise others and provide on-the-job training.4.A.4.b.3.I04.D05Train sales personnel.03/2014Analyst
41-2011.00Cashiers18768Supervise others and provide on-the-job training.4.A.4.b.4.I01.D16Supervise sales or support personnel.03/2014Analyst